Antifungal activity of the essential oil from Plumbago scandens L. (Plumbaginaceae)
Antifungal activity, Essential oil, Plumbago scandens, Kirby Bauer methodAbstract
Fungi are eukaryotic, heterotrophic, chlorophyll-free organisms that cause infections in humans when they enter by air, inoculation, punctures or physical contact. The incidence of opportunistic fungal infections is increasing due to the increase in the immunocompromised population, tourism, and therapeutic failure. The present study considered evaluating the antifungal activity of the essential oil of the aerial parts of Plumbago scandens L. extracted by steam entrainment and purified by column chromatography against fungal strains of the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). The antifungal activity was evaluated by the modified Kirby Bauer technique. For this, three dilutions in acetone were prepared in concentrations of 50, 25 and 12.5 µg/mL. With 10 µL of these solutions, Whatman No. 3 paper discs of 6 mm diameter were impregnated, containing 0.5 µg, 0.25 µg and 0.125 µg/disc. As positive and negative controls, nystatin and acetone were used respectively. Antifungal activity was evaluated by measuring the diameter in mm of the inhibition halos around the paper disk. The essential oil showed antifungal activity against Candida albicans (ATCC 26790), Cryptococcus neoformans (ATCC 14116), Aspergillus brasiliensis (ATCC 16404) and Trichophytum rubrum (ATCC 28188) at all the concentrations; only Candida albicans, at a concentration of 0.125 µg/disc did not show sensitivity.References
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