Influence of different nutrition strategies in the reproductive stage of coffee (Coffea arabica) in the Southern Region of Ecuador


  • María Alvarez-Lino Grupo de Investigación en Ecofisiología y Producción Agraria, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador,
  • Vinicio Ruilova Euroagro S.A, Loja, Ecuador
  • Rodrigo Abad-Guamán Centro I+D+i de Nutrición Animal, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Mirian Capa-Morocho Grupo de Investigación en Ecofisiología y Producción Agraria, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador



Biostimulants, Fertilization, Mycorrhizae, Amino acids, Yield


Coffee production is highly economically important worldwide due to its high contribution to farmers. However, its yield is still low due to the lack of adequate fertilization programs for the different phenological stages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different nutrition strategies on the productive parameters of two coffee varieties. For this purpose, a trial was carried out on the Borboun Sidra and SL28 varieties of 2.5 years of age in the productive stage in Malacatos, southern Ecuador. A completely randomized design was established with four nutrition treatments: producer management (control), alternative management (inorganic fertilization and application of biostimulants in soil and foliar form) and two combinations of these (producer management plus alternative management). According to the treatment, nutrition was applied every 15, 30 and 90 days for five months after flowering. Phenology, number of fruits per branch and plant, fruit weight and size, fruit growth, production per plant and cherry yield were evaluated. Alternative management strategy 2 (edaphic fertilization based on N, P, K, Ca, S, mycorrhizae and humic acids applied monthly and foliar applications every 15 days of N, P, K, S, Zn, Fe and amino acids) had a positive and significant effect on the number, size and weight of fruits. Yield increased on average 71% compared to the control. An adequate nutrition strategy in the coffee production stage could stimulate physiological processes and impact production parameters and yield.


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How to Cite

Alvarez-Lino, M., Ruilova , V., Abad-Guamán , R., & Capa-Morocho, M. (2023). Influence of different nutrition strategies in the reproductive stage of coffee (Coffea arabica) in the Southern Region of Ecuador. CEDAMAZ, 13(2), 195–204.



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