TO DON IGNACIO CHECA, Governor of the province of Jaén de Bracamoros (Peru): he has seen better times


  • Alexander von Humboldt


Humboldt, Checa, Lima, Saraguro, patriotism.


In this missive, Alexander von Humboldt laments to José Ignacio Checa y Barba the impression Lima made on him: he had heard in Europe that it was "the city of luxury, elegance and the beauty of the fair sex." However, when he visited it, it had already lost this splendor. While he praises the kindness of some of his neighbors, he also recognizes a certain detrimental inclination for gambling. He says he prefers the high plateau of Saraguro.


Humboldt, A. de. (1980). Cartas americanas (pp. 92-93). Biblioteca Ayacucho.



How to Cite

Alexander von Humboldt. (2023). TO DON IGNACIO CHECA, Governor of the province of Jaén de Bracamoros (Peru): he has seen better times. Educación, Arte, Comunicación: Revista Académica E Investigativa, 8(1). Retrieved from