The Revista Económica (RVE) is a scientific publication managed by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Económicas, and the Club de Investigación de Economía of the Universidad Nacional de Loja. The target audience of the RVE is researchers, teachers, students and those responsible for economic and social development policies. The topics of interest for the RVE are topics related to sustainable development from an economic approach.

Published: 2023-01-07

COVID-19 and its effect on consumer behavior in the consumption of soft drinks in the population of Ahome.

Gustavo Fabián Pérez-Álvarez , Jorge Eugenio de Jesus Mora-Tordecillas, Francisco Guillermo Salcido-Vega


World shrimp consumption: A perspective of Ecuadorian production and European demand

Jimmy Patricio López-López, Ana Córdova-Pacheco, Lilian Morales-Carrasco, Ruth Barona-Oñate
