Design and construction of a sterilization prototype using UV-C radiation for industrialized foods


  • Jefferson Gaona-González Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Rodolfo Merino-Vivanco Centro de Investigación, Innovación, Desarrollo de Prototipos Tecnológicos y Pruebas Electroenergéticas – I2TEC, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Jorge Carrión-González Carrera de Electricidad, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Andy Vega-León Carrera de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Jonathan González-Espinosa Carrera de Electricidad, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
  • Alba Vargas-Naula Carrera de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Loja, Ecuador



Sterilization, Ultraviolet, Prototype, Food, Microorganisms


Packaged foods can be contaminated with various types of microorganisms that cause disease. The development of this research provides a solution for the sterilization of industrialized foods through the use of ultraviolet (UV) radiation at 253.7 nm. Studies related to UV technology and its effects on pathogens were analyzed to determine the necessary value of UV doses, and research was conducted on the pathogen population prone to develop in materials such as plastic, cardboard, glass and metal. For the sizing and construction of the prototype, measurements were taken of the main industrialized foods offered in supermarkets, and the type of material to be used was analyzed, selecting stainless steel for its reflective and anti-corrosion properties. In order to verify the correct application of the UV doses and to guarantee the safety of the users, tests were carried out with a radiometer and it was verified that the prototype does not generate toxic gases with an ozone meter. The prototype is capable of operating in two modes: standard and package, with a maximum UV dose of 57.64 mJ/cm2 in the longer process of the standard mode. The results obtained showed that the prototype can be used to sterilize different types of containers and that the doses of UV radiation emitted by the lamps are sufficient to inactivate several types of microorganisms, including Escherichia coli, one of the most common bacteria found in the country's supermarkets.


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How to Cite

Gaona-González, J., Merino-Vivanco, R., Carrión-González, J., Vega-León, A., González-Espinosa, J., & Vargas-Naula, A. (2023). Design and construction of a sterilization prototype using UV-C radiation for industrialized foods. CEDAMAZ, 13(1), 56–64.



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