Protective antibody titers against rubella in adolescents in urban and rural schools in the city of Loja


  • Tito José Carrión Guzmán Hospital Dermatológico, Gonzalo González, MSP, Quito
  • Tito Goberth Carrión Dávila Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Patricia Alexandra Guerrero Ochoa Universidad Nacional de Loja


Rubella, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, ELISA


Rubella is a contagious infectious disease caused by the togavirus belonging to the genus Rubivirus. It is a benign disease, with more severe effects on the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. About 90 % are immunoglobulin G antibody titers protective in vaccinated populations, but these titles in adolescents who received the vaccine, the program had not been implemented in our country, are unknown hence the research question posed it was ¿What are the titles of IgG anti-rubella protectors in the students of CPEE and CNV, aged between 16 and 18, the same as its performance is justi ed, because adolescents without protective antibody titers, infectious foci are women of reproductive age and more severe in infancy, with consequences for the fetus. The objective was to determine the protective antibody titers in adolescents of both sexes, two urban schools (CEED) and rural (CNV). The methodology being descriptive, cross-sectional study was the application of a survey, training through lectures, delivery of material with basic information and easy to understand, venous blood for determination of antibody titers IgG anti protectors rubella. The remarkable nding is positivity protective antibody titers in IgG anti- rubella adolescents of CPEE and CNV is 82,47 % and 17,53 % negativity, this latter gure we are concerned by the risk of disease rubella. 

Author Biographies

Tito José Carrión Guzmán, Hospital Dermatológico, Gonzalo González, MSP, Quito

Médico Residente del Hospital Dermatológico, Gonzalo González, MSP, Quito 

Tito Goberth Carrión Dávila, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Médico, Profesor de Microbiología, Parasitología e Inmunología de la carrera de Medicina Humana de la UNL 

Patricia Alexandra Guerrero Ochoa, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Médico, Profesor de Microbiología, Parasitología e Inmunología de la carrera de Medicina Humana de la UNL 


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How to Cite

Carrión Guzmán, T. J., Carrión Dávila, T. G., & Guerrero Ochoa, P. A. (2016). Protective antibody titers against rubella in adolescents in urban and rural schools in the city of Loja. CEDAMAZ, 5(1). Retrieved from



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