Characterization of the production-consumption circuit of coffee in the Guayzimi parish, Nangaritza canton, province of Zamora Chinchipe


  • Marlon Duvois Chamba Morales Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Jhuliana Katherine Belduma Jaramillo Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Edison Ramiro Vasquez Universidad Nacional de Loja


Coffee, Production, Consumption, Price, Margins, Marketing


In order to characterize the production-consumption circuit of coffee in the Guayzimi parish, Nangaritza canton, province of Zamora Chinchipe, primary information was collected through surveys of producers, merchants and consumers; secondary information in libraries, publicand private institutions. The offer was obtained through a survey of 83 coffee growers distributed in 14 neighbor hoods. Forthedemand, strata of final consumer (90), ware houses (13) and stores (11) were identified. There are 121 producing families with 79.1 ha cultivated and productive supply of 21.7 t/year, of which 12.2 t are commercialized; the potential supply of Guayzimi marketed by 2021 will be 18.3 t/year. The annual demand for the Nangaritza canton registers 11.4 t and the provincial potential to 2021 of 31.1 t, the traditional production cost is of USD 2,157.50 ha and the technical limit of 1,241.60 USD/ha. The average price in the sectors that demanddry-bean coffee is 83 USD/qq. In intermediate marketing, 55% of whole saler sand17% of minorities, responsible for increasing the activities in the process and adding costs to the distribution logistics operations; 28% of the production is consumed on the farm. The post- harvest losses at the producer level is 15% and for the retail and wholesale traders 6%. Thenet profit margin for coffee in gold registered 9% for local wholesalers and 45% for exporting wholesalers.


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Author Biographies

Marlon Duvois Chamba Morales, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Ingeniería Agrícola. Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ciudadela Guillermo Falconi. Loja, Ecuador.

Jhuliana Katherine Belduma Jaramillo, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Ingeniería Agrícola. Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ciudadela Guillermo Falconi. Loja, Ecuador.

Edison Ramiro Vasquez, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Ingeniería Agrícola. Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ciudadela Guillermo Falconi. Loja, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Chamba Morales, M. D., Belduma Jaramillo, J. K., & Vasquez, E. R. (2018). Characterization of the production-consumption circuit of coffee in the Guayzimi parish, Nangaritza canton, province of Zamora Chinchipe. CEDAMAZ, 8(1), 1–8. Retrieved from



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