The Art of Speaking according to Brief Notions of Civility (1833)


  • Rufino Cuervo y Barreto


BRIEF NOCIONES OF URBANITY, ladies, conversation, 1833, Bogota, meetings and gatherings.


So far it is the oldest manual elaborated in Spanish-speaking America. From the observation of its complete title one can extract the objective of the work: BRIEF NOCIONES DE URBANIDAD Extracted from several authors and arranged in the form of a catechism, for the teaching of the young ladies of the New Granada. The text is a compendium of others and is addressed primarily to women. Apparently, its author hopes that, through its pages, the ladies of New Granada will learn general notions about urbanity and, more specifically, about the behavior they should assume with respect to cleanliness, modesty and affability, religion and the way to behave at the table. The 12 lessons that make up the book are developed through questions and answers. For this monograph, the lessons dealing with daily communication have been extracted from the book. Among the various questions that are answered, the following stand out: At what time is it recommended to visit? Who should be greeted first? Who should be looked at during the conversation? When should the phrases "Don't you understand?", "What do you say?" be used? Who should be addressed in a conversation? What should be the epistolary style? Brief notions... is due to the distinguished politician, statesman and journalist from Bogota, Rufino Cuervo y Barreto, born in Tibirita, Cundinamarca, on July 28, 1801, who held prominent public positions during the great Colombia.


Afanador Contreras, M. I. y Báez Monsalve, J. F. (2015). Manuales de urbanidad en la Colombia del Siglo XIX: Modernidad, Pedagogía y Cuerpo. Historia y Memoria, 11, 57-82.

Carrillo Lares, E. (2014). Estudio de las motivaciones socio-políticas para el establecimiento de los principios de urbanidad en Colombia en el siglo XIX. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 33, 71-81.

Muñoz Monsalve, M. M. (2013). El ciudadano en los manuales de historia, instrucción cívica y urbanidad, 1910-1948. Historia y sociedad, 24, 215–240.



How to Cite

Rufino Cuervo y Barreto. (2023). The Art of Speaking according to Brief Notions of Civility (1833). Educación, Arte, Comunicación: Revista Académica E Investigativa, 7(2). Retrieved from