On knowledge-sharing practices in the Digital Humanities: six humanists speak out


  • Sixta Adrián Universidad Católica Andrés Bello – Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo Académico - CIIDEA, VENEZUELA




Digital Humanities, sharing practices, knowledge, academics, skills and tools


According to the Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0 (2009), the Digital Humanities (DH) are a set of practices in which the printed medium is no longer the only channel for the dissemination of knowledge, since digital tools, techniques and media have modified the ways in which knowledge about the arts and human and social sciences is produced and disseminated. In this implosive, dynamic and unprecedented present time, HDs are attributed with the functions of database management, development of new methodologies, promotion of research and generation of new humanistic knowledge (Galina Russell, 2011). Understanding that a response must be given to these (ir)recognized paths, the purpose of this work was to know, from an interpretative perspective, what are the knowledge sharing practices among academic humanists and to identify the skills and tools attributed to them. A content analysis of semi-structured interviews with six (6) professors/researchers from the faculties of humanities and education of the Universidad Central de Venezuela and the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas) was carried out.  The subjects were asked to identify their practices and contrast them with the elements of Bedford's (2012) Personal Knowledge Management (PMK) model. As main findings, the practices and rituals of collaborative work and knowledge sharing found are described, as well as the elements of Personal Knowledge Management that they identify as their own, all using digital humanities as a scenario.


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How to Cite

Adrián, S. (2024). On knowledge-sharing practices in the Digital Humanities: six humanists speak out. Educación, Arte, Comunicación: Revista Académica E Investigativa, 13(2), 12–29. https://doi.org/10.54753/eac.v13i2.2201