What is the subject of an imperative?


  • Jílmer Johan Medina Ceballos Universidad de Los Andes (ULA), Venezuela




sujeto, imperativo, actos de habla, roles semánticos, tema.


The aim of this essay is to clear up the blurred boundaries that some grammatical texts and specialized works show regarding the subject of the imperative and its eventual coincidence with both the syntactic theme of the sentence and with some semantic, communicative and pragmatic roles, many of which transcend the limits of grammatical analysis. To achieve this goal, we carry out a qualitative description of the data provided by bibliographic and documentary sourcesconsulted, including the Nueva gramática de la lengua española and the Corpus del Nuevo diccionario histórico del español. As a conclusion, we argue that: i) the subject of the imperative corresponds to the addressee and executor of the order; ii) depending on the actors involved in the predication, this syntactic function may agree with the agent, the patient and even with the beneficiary; and finally, iii) even if it is carried out at the beginning and to the left of the sentence, the subject of the commands cannot constitute a theme, since the orders are managed interactively and contextually.



CDH = Real Academia Española, Corpus del Nuevo diccionario histórico del español – www.rae.es.

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How to Cite

Medina Ceballos, J. J. (2025). What is the subject of an imperative?. Educación, Arte, Comunicación: Revista Académica E Investigativa, 14(1), 36–50. https://doi.org/10.54753/eac.v14i1.2365