Paul Ricœur and the Text: the Hermeneutic Turn in Phenomenology


  • Jossué Baquero Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, ECUADOR



phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy, hermeneutic turn, interpretation


This paper analyzes the proposal of the hermeneuticturn in Ricoeur's phenomenology. We will focusparticularly on the notion of “text” within theframework of the French philosopher's proposal, asit appears to show a rupture from Husserlian theoryand allows for a systematic reading of his proposition.In this exploration of the “text,” we aim to reflect ontemporality and the notion of plot as the structure ofwhat can be narrated, as these emerge as constitutiveelements not only of Ricoeur's proposal but also ofhermeneutics as an alternative to the limitationsof phenomenology in what Ricoeur understands as“Husserlian idealism.” It is worth noting that ourstudy will primarily center on Paul Ricoeur's book“From Text to Action,” and therefore, certain conceptswill be nuanced within the scope of that work.


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How to Cite

Baquero, J. (2024). Paul Ricœur and the Text: the Hermeneutic Turn in Phenomenology. Educación, Arte, Comunicación: Revista Académica E Investigativa, 13(2), 58–68.